Diesel Power
Rising Up
Sharp and Soft
The Old Mill
A Simple Flag
America, today, seems to give such terrible light to itself (at least the media does). With continuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and a shaky economy, it seems to be hard for people to proud of this nation. The liberal contingent of America find little good in America's ways. They lack a respect for the ability of its people and their individuality. Such nonsense of socialized health care, gun control, and welfare all take power and away from the people.
On the note of socialized/nationalized health care, the right chose your medical care and the right for doctors to work at their own terms is crucial to the efficiency and quality of care provided. Doctors in a system of government supported health care have no incentive to do anything beyond that of which is required. Even though it seems nobler to provide the best care because it is a moral obligation, human nature dictates that there should be a reward, per se, for excellent work. And is that morally wrong? Should there be no reward for good work? It would not be fair to give everyone in school the same grades because they met the standards. No one would have the drive to go beyond the norm. It is pretty much like Communism in that sense, and is socialized health care really far from it? The government, not you, controls the care you get. Now that is an impingement on basic human rights, the right of personal choice.
For those who think that nationalizing the health care system will be more effective at providing care are so blissfully ignorant. One should look at Canada perhaps and see how efficient it is for them, while they die waiting on surgery list. Also, has government been know to be efficient at all? Bureaucracies are notorious for squandering funds and loading the pockets of their "friends". It ruins the concept of free markets driven by profitable and competitive companies. Granted the health care system is full of problems and ever increasing costs, but you can still get the care you need. The question that is drawn up of course is, can everyone afford it? The sad truth is no, however, it is better to have financial burden and get the care you need then to wait on care you may never get.
The liberal "agenda" undercuts the ability of Americans to take care of themselves. As you give the government more and more leverage on our lives, the amount of freedom we possess becomes less and less. And as Geralad Ford stated, "A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have". America was founded on individualism and self-sufficiency and it must be upheld. The people of this nation are still capable to just that. People of this nation must remember to take charge of their lives and government and not let the opposite arise.
"That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves''- Thomas Jefferson. Let the people do their part.
Perhaps the other atrocities mentioned, gun control and welfare, can have their own day later.